Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Results - Interview

I conducted my interview on three people, ranging from the ages of 20, 41 and 56 in which was a great achievement for me as I had many complications and difficult tasks to overcome during the process. I will show you one interview that took part in my interview which lasted for about 5-10 minutes like I orginally hoped for. This interview was perfomed on the 20 year old, furthermore, here is how the interview went:

Hello! Thank you for taking part within my short interview. The first questions is how many horror films have you watched within the past three months?
Well, in the past three months I have probably watched about three horror films. This is down to the fact that horror isn’t my favourite genre however it can be entertaining to watch when the story is informative.

In your opinion, what should a horror film include?
A horror film should include scary music and a good storyline.

Are these the most important factors to you in a horror film?
Very, I can become extremely bored when the storyline is one that I’ve seen within a previous film and if the music isn’t frightening. Getting the music right is key as it can either create tension or cut the tension from a scene.

So, you would prefer to see something that has never been seen before?
Indeed, although there are some classic stories that I wouldn’t mind being an influence to another horror film in future. However, if I saw something new then it’d make me become more engrossed within the film as I wouldn’t or couldn’t tell what could happen next and that thought entices me.

What scares you most within horror films?
Oh definitely a fear of the unknown as again I could not foretell what would happen next. Additionally the villains within the story, their appearance frightens me to an extent where I’m screaming with fear.

What couldn’t you watch within a horror film?
I don’t like it when there is too much gory stuff within horror films as they make me feel terribly sick. If I did my research and found out that a horror film had a lot of blood and guts within it then I would definitely not watch it at all.

What is your favourite horror film and why?
My favourite horror film at the moment would have to be Sean of the Dead as it’s not just horror; the film has comedic elements within it too making it enjoyable.

So, you would like a hybrid horror film rather than a full on horror?
It depends on the storyline, whether the film would suit being a hybrid or not however, I see nothing wrong with hybrids, in fact I’d probably like them more as this means that the film would not be all about deaths etc.

What is the most dated horror film you have seen?
The most dated horror film I have seen is probably The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and it frightened me! Especially the fact that the story is based on true events that have happened in the past.

Hence the factor of a horror film being based on a true event scares you more?
Definitely, if the event can happen before then it can happen again.

What is the newest horror film you have seen?
Insidious, that wasn’t scary at all and the make-up on the characters just looked really fake. Although the storyline was good, it could have come across better through the characters.

Lastly, do you prefer human killers or monsters as antagonists?
I prefer human killers, they just make the story seem realer then if monsters were involved.

What have I learnt?
I learnt that I may need to take into consideration of making a hyrbid as apparently it is more entertaining then just having pure horror. Additionally, the film being based on a true event can scare my audience more as they can be programmed into thinking that the event could happen in future and thus making them more scared. To do this though I would need to do further research on tragic or scary events that have happened in the past and perhaps intertwine this event into my horror trailer.