Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Our ideas for our horror film


Recently we have been put into our groups for our horror film project! I have been put in a group with two other people in which we will be working together in order to create a successful horror film trailer.

We have also been discussing ideas for our horror film and these are the ideas that we came up with:
  • Supernatural however human being possessed
  • Research Ed Gein
  • Suspense of characters
  • Teenager – classic overprotective mum
  • Open events – occurring everywhere
  • Something happens when you gaze upon the killer
  • Non-conclusive – mysterious ending
  • A sense of possession (causes insane paranoia)
  • Gradually build music whilst the narrative continues
  • Based on a real life event
  • Domestic setting
  • Religious connotations
  • Domestic setting – gets up and starts to cause manic
  • Psychopath – Schizophrenic teenage girl
  • Being possessed by the Devil
  • She has powers, spreads the curse to innocent people and kills the sinful
I believe making a plan for our ideas was very useful as now we have a clear idea of what our horror film in general will consist of. I have taken into consideration that this may be hard to film for example getting a church that will allow us to film the content that we have in mind for the trailer.

We also thought about what we definitelty should include within the horror trailer. We had to also consider if there was a film for the trailer; what the film would include? This is what we came up with:
  • Targeting 15-25 year olds 
  • Focus more on storyline – limited blood and gore
  • Shocking and jumpy suspense
  • Suspense music
  • Fast shots
  • Someone coming out the blue
  • Flashbacks

 We find these points important because it can set the atmosphere and the mood for our horror film.
Additionally, our inspiration for the film was Carrie hence why there is much religious connotations and the main character being a female.