Friday, 18 November 2011

Questionnaire Results


Today we gathered and calcualted the results from our questionnaire. Many thanks to everyone who participated as over 35 people took part in the mini questionnaire. Having a great amount of people from different age ranges will help us to determine what title to use for our horror film trailer and on the whole which title would be more effective. From all the results, the conlcusion is that we have a possible top 4 names to use for our trailer in which my group and I will decide on. The top 4 names were Damnation, Perdition, Condemnation and Domination so thank you to all the people who submitted the questionnaire.

We asked one simple question which stated:
Which titles do you think would best suit a horror movie based on possession and religion?

Since there was no space to add in a little narrative from the film we decided it would be best to inform anyone who wanted to know about it directly. For example when I was going around asking people which title would be the best, I gave them a little description about what the film would include and what the other themese were. This gave the audience a better understanding of which title to then choose. We also stated that they can choose up to three options for the titles, this is because we did not want them to feel constrained and therefore in the end we could get an honest opinion of what names they would prefer.

We set up a survey that looked like this:
[ print screen taken from survey monkey.]

On the whole from survey monkey we got a range of responses from more than 15 people which was an outstanding result considering that we didn't think that we would get so many. I believe that the survey monkey questionnaire was advertised well on places such as social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in which the enhanced the amount of people who took part.

Although, when I did use the traiditional method of pen and paper I realised that people were more willing to take part since it was a short questionnaire and that they had a general interest in horror films. I print screened the questionnaire from SurveyMonkey and pasted it to a word document so that I could easily print out and give around the family members, members of the public and students. From doing this I got over 20 responses but unfortunately could not take any more as I had run out of resources such as paper however I am still glad that as a team we were able to get so many responses. Here below are some of the responses from the pen and paper questionnaire:

I told people to sign the papers to show that the questionnaire is valid and authentic. From this and  online survey, we were able to conclude what names to pick out of a possible top four and whcih were the most favoured. We found out the top answer was Damnation, second Perdition and joint third was Condemnation and Domination. I found this interesting and I was greatly flattered that two of my original answers were voted first and second. From this research, we now have a clear idea on what to potentially call our film (in which it looks like we are going for Damnation) and we understand the views of our audience.

  • Questionnaire results from SurveyMonkey and Pen and Paper
  • Different types of social networking used
  • Different techniques of getting the survey across
  • Final top 4 names