Tuesday 8 November 2011

Questions - Questionnaire and Interview

I decided that it was right to inform you what I have been up to recently in Media. Following on from what I stated within my Rationale Research, I believe that choosing the right questions for the questionnaire and the interview are key in finding out what my audience would like to see within the horror films. These are the questions that I have chosen.


  1.  How old are you?
  2.  How many horror films have you watched within the past three months?
  3. What should a horror film include?
  4. What scares you the most in horror films?
  5. What is your favourite horror film and why?
  6. What is the most dated horror film you have seen?
  7. What is the newest horror film you have seen?
  8. Do you prefer monsters or human killers as antagonists
  1. How many horror films have you watched within the past three months?
  2. In your opinion, what should a horror film include?
  3. If a horror film is based on a true eventm, would it scare you more?
  4. What are the most important factors to you in a horror film?
  5. What scares you most within horror films?
  6. What couldn’t you watch within a horror film?
  7. What is your favourite horror film and why?
  8. Would prefer to see something that has never been seen before?
  9. Would like a hybrid horror film rather than a full on horror?
  10. What is the most dated horror film you have seen?
  11. Lastly, do you prefer human killers or monsters as antagonists?