Tuesday 8 November 2011

Rationale Research

My aim for my research to get an interest of what the audience want in horror films and what they would want to see within the narrative. To carry this out, I will create a questionnaire and additionally form interviews that will provide me with the information needed to make my horror trailer a success. This information will also show me what the audience feel is necessary within horror films and what scares them the most within them. I will carry my research out on a minimum of thirty people and will try to keep the balance of ages equal. However, if this is not possible, then I shall try and get as much research as I can, even if the ages are not equal. Moreover, all appropriate information provided will be used for my research and will influence me in certain decisions that I will make when constructing my horror trailer.
Three of the most important factors for me in horror films are the narrative, the characters and the music. This three factors can determine if a horror film is deemed as scary or not and can have a last impact on the audience. This will also be a part of my research; to find out if the audience find these factors important too.
The questionnaire will be formed from 8-10 questions based on the fact that I do no want my target audience to become bored whilst doing the questionnaire. I need their full attention as their choices will help me to decide what to put in my horror trailer. Therefore, I will only have a few amounts of question; the questions will be qualitative questions in which this means that the questions will be open for discussion and be free for them to write down their opinions. However, there will be quantitative questions so that they can answer specific questions hence my research being valid.
The interviews will take place in three different locations and with people from different age groups so that the chosen people can represent their age group. An interview will give me a more detailed idea of what my audience would like to see within horror films and what is their favourite. Their favourite horror film will determine what kind of conventions I will put into my horror trailer and I shall do further research about their favourite horror film to find out why the audience like it so much. The interviews will be around 5-10minutes and will consist of more in depth answers than the questionnaires.