Friday 18 November 2011

Potential titles for our film

Sorry for the late post, I've been having a lot of trouble with Blogger lately. However, the bonus for all of you is that you get to see the results from the questionnaire on the same day!

Recently we were told within our groups to come up with 10 names for our horror films each. The task on the whole was quite daunting but when I started to come up with a few names I realised that it wasn't as hard as I had deemed the task to be. The names I thought of were mainly based around the continuous themes portrayed throughout the horror trailer and within the film (if it were to be made). Here are the 10 names I thought of for the horror trailer:

  • Perdition
  • Damnation
  • Blasphemy
  • Destruction
  • Malediction
  • Hell On Earth
  • Isolation
  • Possession
  • Explosive
  • Unorderly

I realised after I had come up with the words that apart from one title, most of them were only one-worded titles. I assumed that one-worded titles would have a bigger impact on the audience and if they were to see the horror trailer, that it would make them remember the title more rather than having a long-worded title. On the whole I was quite happy with the words that I have come up with but I do favour more words than other. For example, I like the words 'Damnation' and 'Perdition' because it goes along with the themes rather than the others and it sums up the film within one word.

We dicussed the words we had come up with and then decided on a final 10. This was an important process because the fate our horror trailer does rely heavily on the name of the film and it has to be words that the audience can understand and know what the horror trailer is about. These were our final 10 words:
  • Domination
  • Repression
  • Condemnation
  • Abomination
  • Perdition
  • Damnation
  • Destruction
  • Absolution
  • Profanity
  • Malediction
We felt that these words were the most powerful out of the bunch and related to the narrative and the film more. With these 10 words we then planned to do a survey on a range of people to find out which film title they would favour more. Additionally, we decided that we were going to use the SurveyMonkey and the traiditional pen and paper to carry out the research and to get the biggest amount of responses.