Monday 6 February 2012

Creating 'Damnation' title for our horror trailer


Recently we have been trying out different fonts and styles for our horror trailer to see what would suit the trailer best and what stays true to what comes to mind when we think of Damnation. We decided that Damnation title have to have the following:

These are the ideas that we agreed that the title should be or should have because we believed that this would impact on the audience and that would help us when we advertise with magazines and posters. Furthermore, we kept these point and ideas throughout the construction process for making our damnation title and these were the steps we took.

This was a font that was picked out but we all had different opinions on it. Although it did remind me of hell because it looed like there were flames arising from the font, it wasn't a strong bold font that we had hoped for as it is quite skinny. However we did agree with the red being put against a black background as this makes the title stand out so we decided that this was a must for the title to do. Even though the font has a particular style it still looked too simple and we needed it to be different from other typical horror movies.

However, the font could always stand out more with white rather than red so we decided to try a white font
outlined with a red glow as we still wanted to have a 'hellish' type of theme to go with the title. We then replaced the white with a cross which has been turned upside down as this is the mark of the 'anti-christ' and this would mean that our audience could recognise that our film consisted of religious connotations. Although the ideas for this were good, we still believed that we could do better as the font was still too skinny and the cross didn't stand out as much as we wanted it too. Plus we then came to the conclusion that the cross would have confused the audience and that the cross was too fancy for what we were going for.

We had the same problem with this font as my group decided to keep the font however I disagreed. The font isn't strong and it doesn't stand out against the black background but I wanted to see if there new idea would have worked in which I believe it didn't work out as success as my group wanted it to be. The glow has been turned down so it is subtle, however the font doesn't seem scary enough to portay the message (title).


We decided to start over again and I was searching on the internet until I stumbled across this font. This was a strong font and then I decided to make it red, add a white outline and then it came together. I knew from then that this was the font that I wanted the group to use for the title. When I showed this font to the rest of my team and explained my reasons for using this font, they liked it as much as I did and we then decided to use this font with these particular colours. We wanted the title to have some sort of religious denotation to it so we decided to use stained glass windows however this didn't work as well as we hoped.


This is our final damnation title and we chose this because it stands out from the black, also thanks to the white background and it is easy to read therefore it wouldn't confuse the audience. We decided to keep the black background so that the horror trailer will remain dark and the blood still signifies the blood, hell etc whilst being outlines like a white outline (innocence, heaven).