Tuesday 28 February 2012

Evaluation Notes

Please click on the pictures to see the font clearer. Scribd doucment, on the way.

Monday 27 February 2012


Audience Feedback


After the showing of our trailer we decided to pursue getting audience feedback from the audience so that we could learn whether our product was successful or not. We also wanted audience feedback to show what we could improve on and what they liked best within the trailer. This would give us a better idea of if we catered to our audience needs or not. Down below are our results, I will go into more detail about the results of our questionnaires in the evaluation. The mistake made was that we didnt add enough 'why' boxes but we did correct this mistake by asking people at the door to state their opinions. This will also be shown within the evaluation.

1) By watching our trailer and having looked at the magazine cover and poster, would you be interested in watching the movie?  

2)The storyline of the movie is clear

 3) Would the magazine cover encourage you to buy the magazine

 4) By looking at the poster, would you want to watch the movie?

 5) The music and sound effects are effective and relates well to the storyline and horror genre

6) All three products shown look professional
7) If you have any other comments, or ways in which we can improve our products, the please state below.

  • Could be more darker (the scenes) with the lighting. Overall excellent.
  • Magazine cover and poster are excellent
  •  More effects would have made it scarier
  • Liked the fast paced editing at the end
  • Other general comments made were ‘ it was great, well done very good and great! Make the movie’

Camera Shots


I need to support my claim that my group and I have used a variety of shots within the trailer. Since it would be extremely long writing every shot within the trailer and explaining my reasons for why we had those specific shots, I decided to print screen every shot within the trailer so that you all could see how effective it was when put into the trailer and that the camera andgles differ.